The Top Soil > Government's Action on Reducing the UK's Carbon Footprint

Government’s Action on Reducing the UK’s Carbon Footprint

Carbon emissions are believed to be the biggest culprit of climate change which is feared to seriously affect all life on earth including humans without an immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The UK Government is aware of the danger climate change is posing and is more active in carbon footprint reduction both at home and abroad than the public is aware of.

Climate Change Act 2008

In 2008, the UK Parliament adopted the Climate Change Act which is the first legally binding target in regard to climate change in the world. With it, the country has bound itself to reduce the UK’s emissions for at least 80 percent by year 2050 through:

National Carbon Reduction Strategy

The main goal of the national carbon reduction strategy is of course to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to the minimum in order to achieve the goals set in the Climate Change Act 2008 and reduce the effects of climate change. But the national carbon reduction strategy will also help the UK to reduce its reliance on imported fossil fuels and make the UK’s economy less vulnerable to high fossil fuel prices and eventual energy crises in the future.

To meet the set carbon reduction target, the UK Government is also using:

Encouraging Energy Efficiency Among Businesses and Households

To encourage businesses and households to use energy more efficiently and emit fewer greenhouse gases, the UK Government is also financially helping them to:

in order to increase the use of low-carbon technologies and prevent inefficient use of energy such as poorly insulated buildings which are responsible for more than 40 percent of the UK’s emissions. The Government is of course also providing funding for innovation and research but it is also encouraging public reporting of carbon emissions particularly in the Capital which helps asses the progress and forces organisation to use energy more efficiently.